Sunday, January 31, 2016

Fay's Days Japan - Taiko at a Japanese Matsuri Part 2 祭りで太鼓パート2

Fay, Audrey, Marcell, Agatha and Fujita from 'Kyudai Taiko Circle' play the Taiko drums at a Japanese Matsuri in Kobe. Watch Part 1 for a peek behind the scenes before the performance.

フェイ、オードリー、マルセル、アガタ と フジタは神戸の祭で太鼓をたたきます。パート1でパフォーマンスの前に舞台裏を見てください。

Special thanks to Fujita-sensei for this wonderful experience and teaching us Taiko drums, Japanese language and culture.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Fay's Days Japan - Taiko at a Japanese Matsuri Part 1 祭りで太鼓パート1

Fay, Audrey, Marcell and Agatha from 'Kyudai Taiko Circle' play the Taiko drums at a Japanese Matsuri in Kobe. Here's a peek behind the scenes before the performance. 

フェイ、オードリー、マルセル、アガタ と フジタは神戸の祭で太鼓をたたくの前に舞台裏です。

Special thanks to Fujita-sensei for this wonderful experience and teaching us Taiko drums, Japanese language and culture.


Part 2 Coming Soon!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Mario Speaks [with Charles Martinet] Ep 6 - Mario in the Field

Charles Martinet (voice of Mario) talks about the creative process of making a Nintendo game.

Charles Martinet is known for providing the voice of Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Toadsworth, Baby Mario, Baby Luigi and many other characters from Nintendo's popular Mario franchise. In this series he talks to the game students at the HKU University of Art, Media and Technology, Holland.

For more film & cartoons go to: